Tuesday, January 02, 2007

WHO: Charles Hudson, MBA 2005

Meeteor is a fun side project that Charles has been working on for a while. His motivation behind the project was the observation that after leaving college that it becomes increasing difficult to meet people with common backgrounds and experiences. This is a social networking site made by one of the best networkers I know - Charles knows everybody. Meeteor borrows a little from Facebook (you need a .edu (student or alumni) email to join), Doostang/LinkedIN (you build a profile with your background and interests) and surprisingly Match.com. Charles through me a little bit of a curve ball when one of the profile questions was dating status [available/not available]. The Meeteor motto is FIND-CONNECT-MEET and I think he should add DATE on the end...

It looks like Charles has taken some heat for being elitist given that he addresses it on the About Us page:

"We didn't build this site to be elitist; we built it to be exclusive. Our goal is to provide a new place for people to meet others like them and hopefully build meaningful bonds and connections."

In addition to addressing this concern, Charles has over 100 schools listed and appears to be working on adding more - Meeteor is not more restrictive than Facebook and you don't hear many complaints about them.

Charles has done a great job of making a fun and easy to use site for networking. Oh, and it is free. I logged on and set up a profile in about five minutes plus managed to find a few friends who were already members. Let me know when you sign up.

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