Friday, November 10, 2006

WHO: Mareza Larizadeh, GSB 2006

Mareza started Doostang while a student at the GSB while he was living in a small dormroom with Seth Sternberg founder of Meebo. (You can see the Meebo widget in the sidebar of this blog courtesy of WidgetBox). There must have been some magic in that room. Mareza initially started Doostang as a bulletin board where he and his co-founder, Pavel, could invite their friends to share jobs. They only decided to make a go at starting a company on the urging of friends who saw the potential...and presumably needed to start looking for a job soon.

Doostang is to recruiting what NetJets is to air travel - they focus on the best jobs and the best candidates. If you need a junior engineer (or twenty) go to Monster, if you need an Ivy League graduate to work in your company Doostang is your answer. Already the word is out there that companies from Goldman Sachs to Google are now using Doostang as a core part of their recruiting system.

A few facts that Mareza tends not to brag about - but I can for him:

- over 60,000 members to date; the great majority of whom are graduates from top schools.

- TIME Magazine’s pick for one of 5 companies that can become “The Next YouTube.” October 23rd 2006 issue…

- number of jobs posted is growing by over 25% per month

- I generated 4 quality candidates for a portfolio company in under a week through Doostang, one of which now has the job.

It is free to sign up so do that now and be sure to join my Doostang group. Better yet, post a job or refer a friend - REMEMBER IT's FREE!

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