Friday, September 05, 2008

SlideRocket Now in Public Beta

This week one of our portfolio SaaS companies as launched into public beta - this means that now I can just direct all those email requests for accounts straight to this link.

SlideRocket is a rich Internet application that provides everything you need to design professional quality presentations, manage and share libraries of slides and assets, and to deliver presentations in person or remotely over the web. It also has analytics that tell you who spends time on each slide when they view the presentation.

SlideRocket announced this release at the Office2.0 conference in San Francisco. If the blog coverage of the show is any indication then they won 'best in show':

Finally, my favorite demo - and one I even signed up for. SlideRocket is like
Powerpoint on steroids. If you’re a presentation
builder, be sure to check this out. It went into public beta this week and will
head into a full-scale launch later this month

Full story at ZDNet.

Take a tour.
Like to learn more? Click here to take a tour of SlideRocket.

Sign up.
SlideRocket is now in public beta! Sign up for a free SlideRocket account and get started today.